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Kalpana Charitable Foundation

A friend in need

Welcome to Kalpana Charitable Foundation

We are here to perform works of charity for the benefit of those in need and in particular to bring relief to victims of natural or other disasters, such as famines, floods, epidemics, wars etc. irrespective of caste, gender and creed.

Objectives to be pursued by Kalpana Charitable Foundation

-Here are main objects to be pursued by Kalpana Charitable Foundation
  • To promote social, civil, medical, educational, cultural and charitable activities;
  • To perform works of charity for the benefit of those in need and in particular to bring relief to victims of natural or other disasters, such as famines, floods, epidemics, wars etc. irrespective of caste, gender and creed;
  • To collaborate with Government as well as private agencies in genuine development and relief activities;
  • To collect funds, organise meetings, conferences, seminars, fetes etc. for achieving or furthering the aims of the society;
  • To promote, establish, equip, conduct, manage, maintain, administer and co-ordinate Social Welfare Centres, Social Work Training Centres, Technical and Agricultural Schools, Social Institutes, Home of the Handicapped, the Retarded and Disabled, Mother and Child Care Centres, Crèches, Hostels, Dispensaries, Mobile Clinics, Orphanages, Clubs, Work Guilds, Recreational Centres, Reading Rooms, Study Circles, Dialogue and Counselling Centres, Women’s Organizations, Youth Associations, Farmers Associations, Environmental Groups, Non-Formal Education Centres, People’s Organisations.

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